Nethra Trading


  • Installation of Solar Panels

    Nethra Trading Industries has planned a 1 MW solar panel project to reduce the company’s dependence on the electricity grid. The project will be financed through a combination of financing from banks as well as net cash accruals. Since electricity is the main source of carbon emissions, this project will significantly reduce the CBAM score of the business.

  • Use of electric trucks and cars

    All of our transport for raw material and finished product occurs on trucks. By using trucks that run on electricity rather than conventional fuels such diesel or petrol, we will see a steep drop in carbon emissions. The business is in talks with automobile manufacturers to source these trucks and expect to procure them in the next 4-5 years.

  • Use of cleaner fuels for reheating furnaces

    Nethra Trading operates a billet reheating furnace and a strand annealing furnace. We aim to use cleaner fuels such as CNG which can reduce our carbon emissions without compromising on the quality of the material.

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